Holy Child Schools | Society of the Holy Child Jesus
Library: People, Places, and Artifacts » Schools » Europe, England, Oxford, Student Centers

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Chapel, Cherwell Edge
Schools and University student centers, Oxford, England. Photo of chapel at Cherwell Edge.

Dining Room, Cherwell Edge
Schools and University student centers, Oxford, England. Photo of dining room at St. Frideswide's, Cherwell Edge, "Recognised House of Residence for Catholic Women Students attending the University (of Oxford)."

Garden, Cherwell Edge
Schools and University student centers, Oxford, England. Photo of residents in garden at Cherwell Edge.

Leslie House
Schools and University student centers, Oxford, England. Photo of Leslie House, St. Clement's Parish.

Library, Cherwell Edge
Schools and University student centers, Oxford, England. Photo of library at Cherwell Edge.

M.M. Hildegarde Worsley
Schools and University student centers, Oxford, England. Photo of M.M. Hildegarde Worsley, MA, the first woman religious ever to be awarded the full Oxford degree of BA and MA.

Oxford Graduates 01
Schools and University student centers, Oxford, England. Photo of Oxford graduates M.M. Joseph McManus, M.M. Matthew Hueffler, M.M. Gerard Measures.

Oxford Graduates 02
Schools and University student centers, Oxford, England. Photo of Oxford graduates Sr. Mary Basil (DOreen Casey), Sr. Mary Baptista (Pamela Hussey) and Sr. Mary Walburga (Mavis Mercer).

Student Room, Cherwell Edge
Schools and University student centers, Oxford, England. Photo of student room at Cherwell Edge.

The Girl Student at Oxford

Schools and University student centers, Oxford, England. Relevant pages from booklet entitled "The Girl Student at Oxford."

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