Holy Child Schools | Society of the Holy Child Jesus
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Drexel Hill, PA 05
458 Shadeland Avenue, Drexel Hill, PA 1927 - (Was Holy Child Academy, then Xavier House, Response-ability and Provincial Offices) Photo of Xavier House/Provincial Offices.

Drexel Hill, PA 06
459 Shadeland Avenue, Drexel Hill, PA 1927 - (Was Holy Child Academy, then Xavier House, Response-ability and Provincial Offices) Photo of Xavier House/Provincial Offices.

Drexel Hill, PA 07
460 Shadeland Avenue, Drexel Hill, PA 1927 - (Was Holy Child Academy, then Xavier House, Response-ability and Provincial Offices) Photo of Xavier House community.
May 1989 (?)

Drexel Hill, PA 08
461 Shadeland Avenue, Drexel Hill, PA 1927 - (Was Holy Child Academy, then Xavier House, Response-ability and Provincial Offices) Photo of Xavier House/Provincial Offices.

Drexel Hill, PA 09
462 Shadeland Avenue, Drexel Hill, PA 1927 - (Was Holy Child Academy, then Xavier House, Response-ability and Provincial Offices) Photo of Xavier House/Provincial Offices.

Alton Towers
Sketch of Alton Towers, N. Staffordshire

Derby, England
Sketch of Derby, England

Photo of Hastings fishing port beneath East Cliff

Holy Child Convent and School 01
Sketch and photos of Holy Child convent and school.

Holy Child Convent and School 02
Sketch and photos of Holy Child convent and school.

Holy Child Convent and School 03
Sketch and photos of Holy Child convent and school; "view of garden with trees planted by C.C. Windows beside turret mark the room where she died."

Holy Child Convent, Derby England
Sketch of first Holy Child Convent, Derby, England. L-R: laundry, kitchen, guests rooms, school, chapel, community. Chaplains' house with its own garden.

Mark Cross, Sussex 11
Photo of Mark Cross, Sussex; given to Cornelia in 1868 by Duchess of Leeds for new orphans' home.

Martyr's Bridge
Sketch of Martyrs' Bridge

Mr. Jones' Church 01
Photos of "Mr. Jones' church which he stopped building in 1840. CC completed it, with E.W. Pugin as architect, in 1868." [Property became St. Leonards-on-Sea.]

Mr. Jones' Church 02
Photos of "Mr. Jones' church which he stopped building in 1840. CC completed it, with E.W. Pugin as architect, in 1868. [Property became St. Leonards-on-Sea.]

Room in which Cornelia Died
Photo of left corner of council room in which Cornelia died.

Spetchley Park
Photo of Spetchley Park, Worcestershire

St. Dunstan's Church 01
Photo of St. Dunstan's (Mayfield) Parish Church and medieval synod hall.

St.Mary's Parish Church
Sketch of St. Mary's Parish Church

Towneley Hall
Photo of Towneley Hall, Burnley, Lancashire

Sts. Peter and Paul, Fleetwood, NY 01
Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Fleetwood, N.Y., 1948-1977. Photo of chapel.

Sts. Peter and Paul, Fleetwood, NY 02
Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Fleetwood, N.Y., 1948-1977. Photo of Fleetwood Community.

Sts. Peter and Paul, Fleetwood, NY 03
Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Fleetwood, N.Y., 1948-1977. Photo of "Fleetwood (before the move)."

Sts. Peter and Paul, Fleetwood, NY 04
Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Fleetwood, N.Y., 1948-1977. Photo of "Fleetwood convent on wheels."

Sts. Peter and Paul, Fleetwood, NY 05
Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Fleetwood, N.Y., 1948-1977. Photo of chapel.

Sts. Peter and Paul, Fleetwood, NY 06
Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Fleetwood, N.Y., 1948-1977. Photo of Fleetwood Community.

Sts. Peter and Paul, Fleetwood, NY 07
Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Fleetwood, N.Y., 1948-1977. Photos of Fleetwood Community members.

Sts. Peter and Paul, Fleetwood, NY 08
Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Fleetwood, N.Y., 1948-1977. Photos of Fleetwood Community members.

Facsimile of Ad
A facsimile of the advertisement, found in a letter box at Grenelle, of the Petit Chateau du Duc d'Orleans which became Mother Connelly's last home in France, from December 1876. It was closed by the Combes Laws in 1904.

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